Thursday, 26 August 2010

I've come a long way ...

I was asked by my branch of Embroiderers Guild to display my City & Guilds Certificate work at our annual exhibition in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire. My work was shown along side Harrogate College City & Guilds students work. A lot of interest was shown in Distant Stitch. In the photo above you can see my Foundation Module (bottom left); book cover based on Module 1 design work (bottom right); counterchange/interchange Module One (centre); tassels arranged on a spiral stand (Module 3); colour study and abstract design from Summer School 2003 (centre upright against wall); and at the top of the photo my resolved spiral sample for Module 3.

At the left of this photo you can see the stand I designed to display my module 3 samples. At the front of the picture is my Module 5 Texture in Landscape book of samples. Top right you can see my FWD from Module 1 for a book cover. The other books are my Module 2 work. Then moving to the right ...

I displayed my functional 3D item from Module 2 - my fly swatter shoulder bag. I didn't have enough space on one table to display all my work, so across the other side of the room I placed my Module 1 Growth and Disintegration resolved sample; and my Module 4 book with its embroidered panel:


stitching in the sun said...

Congratulations Stephanie, what a good job. I have recognized several of your pieces, it's almost like being there.

Jane said...

What a great display - love the fly swatter bag which I hadn't seen before.

Garnered Stitches said...

It's only when you are able to display your work in such a situation that you can see how much has gone into the Distant Stitch Course. It looks wonderful and it's great to see the early pieces again.
best wishes

Pammy M said...

Well done to you - it must have been fabulous to celebrate and show all work work together in this way.

Meg said...

It makes you realise how much work we have done. It all looks great